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"Kelly was the children’s acting coach when I was part of A Christmas Carol at freeFall Theatre.  She helped me (and all of the young actors) bring truth and intensity to my acting and learn how to stay completely in the moment. These are lessons that I will use in all of my future acting.  Kelly is an amazing coach!" -- Caroline, age 12


"Kelly taught a master class at my daughter’s middle school to help the kids learn what acting and theatre is all about. She kept the kids very engaged and interested, which is a miracle when dealing with middle school kids.  She provided a safe environment for them to try out some of their skills and take risks.  My daughter and many of her friends came home so excited about the experience.  They can’t wait for Kelly to come back and teach again!" 

--Whitney, mother of Caroline


 “Kelly taught me so much in the short time I worked, with her. I feel like she gave us the freedom to incorporate our parts and ideas as the characters but gave us ways to enhance our strengths as upcoming actors and actresses, as well. I loved how she focused on togetherness as a cast - the fact that you need to be able to be connected on stage was something that I feel wasn't brought to my attention in the vital way that she did. One of the exercises i remember that helped us was she would have us stand in a circle and close our eyes, next we would have to say the alphabet one person says one letter at a time,there was no pattern just when you felt it was right, if two people talked at once you had to start over. While this took an excruciatingly long time each "round" brought us more and more together as a cast, and when we finally got it the feeling was indescribable!”  - Kamy, 13


"It was amazing working with Kelly! She was always so positive and sunny and would always brighten your day. She directed me as Ophelia in The Compete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged. Even though I was young, I remember being so intrigued with the character of Ophelia in Hamlet after seeing her perform it in the full production, on the main stage.”  - Ana, 16


"Kelly was amazing!! She was so much fun!! I learned so much from her ! I really appreciated how patient and caring she was ! When I was scared, she would give me encouraging words and always a smile!” - Abby, 12



“Kelly is such an amazing young woman! From the moment I met her, she made me feel so welcomed. I was so amazed how she interacted with all the kids…always with a smile!! Kelly really helped my daughter with her confidence..always showing her so much respect and kindness!! Kelly is such a positive person!! Just love her.” - Ellen, mom of Abby


"I've had Kelly as a teacher and as a director and she's great! Her teaching is awesome and she's really taught me a lot. She directed me and the scene turned out great, she brought out things in us that I didn't know were even there. Kelly's awesome!"

- Jessica, 13


"Working with Kelly Pekar was a great experience. She really worked with me and helped me get out of my comfort zone. When I coached with her, she focused and stayed on task to bring out the best in me. Kelly has a very sweet personality and is loads of fun! For me, working with, and learning from Kelly was a wonderful time. I was fortunate to spend time and share a stage with her." Eliza, 12


"Kelly Pekar, a company actor in Ozark Actors Theatre's Summer 2015 season, was invited to present several master classes for our Summer Theatre Academy, the annual children's theatre camp program. She taught a two-hour and a one-hour session for our two youth age groups of 6-10 year olds. I was one of the theatre's official Summer Theatre Academy Teaching artists. With her calm, inquisitive, and focused demeanor, she created a wonderful learning environment. The children were drawn in and immediately listened when she spoke. If one of them got over-excited and interrupted or started to become rowdy, she had a knack for pulling them back and keeping the peace. By the end of the session, the children were completely enamored with Kelly and had learned a variety of theatre subjects and techniques in a very condensed amount of time. This was due to both her ability to command their attention as well as her excellent teaching skills/curriculum planning. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Kelly myself; she was a delight in every way and I would be happy to work with her again." - Grace Taylor

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